Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Update! Update!

Okay, so we've been sort of lazy since Justin got home...and I haven't updated. :)

Lets see...Gianna and I got up early Saturday and went to get Justin at the Airport (after a quick stop at Jarrod and Kelly's to get their extra carseat-I highly recommend having one! and play yard--Thanks Guys!). Gianna knew who Justin was after just about 1 second and was so happy to see him and flirt with him. We spent the rest of Saturday just hanging out, it's nice that he's home.

Sunday we had a playgroup picnic which was so much fun! I meant to take a picture but I think I was too excited about Justin being home and all the Daddies getting to meet all of the other Mommies and Babies that I just forgot! We'll have one again soon though and I'll be sure to take a picture then and post it.

Monday was also a nice lazy day (Justin had it off) so it was nice to spend a little more time together before he went back to work. Plus He and I were recovering from Gianna's wild nights. She is just so excited to have Justin home that she has been awake almost around the clock, with the exception being the occasional nap in the car--how's that for irony? For those of you who don't know (or have blocked out the memory) Gianna HATED the car for the first 5 months of her life or so. We tried everything, even about a week where the only places we went were by foot or bus-that was interesting. Anyway, she is better [most of the time] now.

One really exciting (and scary) thing is that Gianna is getting really close to crawling and also can pull herself onto her feet from sitting if she has a really good grip and really wants to. I took her shopping for some standing and sitting toys and she really loves them so much more than that old "Baby" stuff.

One last funny thing: At the Picnic Gianna was being her usual verbal self and commanding attention and today Chelynn told me that her husband Rick said Gianna was the typical Girl- talkative and attention grabbing!



1 comment:

Becky said...

Sounds like it's time to do some serious baby-proofing. I love when babies start crawling . . . for about a day. Then I wish they would just walk and get their face out of my carpet. Congrats on having Justin home!