Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dad and Gianna at the zoo

I took Gianna to the zoo today while mom stayed home. Mom got some time to herself and some cleaning done. Gianna and I had a great time looking mainly at all the kids running around. Gianna thinks all the people are so much more fun to watch than any of the animals. Except for the pig. She loved watching the pig walk around. She got really excited when we were walking up, she started laughing and jumping as soon as she saw this monster of a pig!

We also had a good time hanging out together. Although she wouldn't share her banana puff snacks with me! They really are good. She loves it when I shake the container full of the puffs. Come to think of it, she likes it when we shake anything that makes noise :)

Well, we had a really great time. Gianna was perfect the whole trip. She even managed to nap both ways and feed herself a bottle on the trip home! I was pretty proud of her for that! OK I've gotta go.


1 comment:

Becky said...

What a good daddy! That sounds like a lot of fun for everyone. Jess -- I totally had a weird dream last night about high schoo:, you, Lynly, Mr. Simpson, AH! Weirded me out!