Friday, September 7, 2007

Bouncy! Bouncy! Bouncy!

Well, Gianna has finally figured out how to use the Johnny Jump-up and she loves it! I think that practicing in both Nicolas' and Hayden's at playgroup helped though. Thanks for sharing guys! One caveat: she totally knows when I leave a room so today I thought I was being clever by putting it on the bathroom door while I took a shower but the second she couldn't see me she was so upset! Lately shower time is getting shorter and shorter and I can only imagine how it will be once she really has the crawling thing down. Any advice from seasoned moms is appreciated :)
Wow, okay back to the topic at hand...

Anyway, now that she has the whole jumping and bouncing thing figured out, I can't get her to stop!!! It was so funny a few weeks ago when Chelynn put Nicolas on her lap and he started jumping up and down...but I guess Gianna and Nicolas have been spending a lot of time together because now she does it everytime she's standing on my lap, or standing at the couch, or in her exersaucer, or trying to crawl or kneeling at her activity table, or...well, you get the point! It is very cute though and she gets the biggest smile on her face. The picture at the beginning of this post is during one of her bouncing episodes, you can see how happy it makes her(and her big teeth)! The adorable thing is now when I say "Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy" and bob my head she smiles and starts bouncing. It's like she's really starting to understand. Now only if I could get her to understand, "Let go of my hair that really hurts a lot,"!!! She's too cute to care when she does it though. Oh boy, she's gonna be a hand-full!

1 comment:

Becky said...

So cute! I love that first picture! My only advice for the shower thing is take them at night, or wake up early. Or put a baby gate up in a room that's totally baby safe. When Alli was a little older than Gianna, I would wake up when she woke up and give her a bottle in her bed. That was a perfect amount of time for me to take a quick shower, and she was happy and safe.