Tuesday, April 14, 2009

LMC Easter Egg Hunt

The mom's club I am a member of had it's annual egg hunt 2 Saurdays ago. It was so fun to see all of the kids looking for eggs and to see how much they have changed in just a year. Check it out here.

I love looking at these two pictures:...and seeing how much has changes in a year: Connor is here, and so is Gianna's hair, we have said goodbye to some friends (love you Hogan family), and hello to new friends (Yeah Rocha family!). I donated my hair shortly after this picture, and it has almost grown all the way back, All of our babies have turned into kids and we are welcoming new babies to our group. And there are so many things you can't see too!

Okay, back to 2009.

Action shots from the egg hunt.Showing off her eggs (and loot!).Daddy and Connor at the egg hunt.Gianna (and friends) checking out their eggs.

Family photo with the Easter Bunny.

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