Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Children's Fairyland

The last weekend in March we headed over to Children's Fairyland in Oakland.

After we arrived we started walking around a bit while we waited for our friends to get there and it all started looking very familiar. Especially this:

I feel like somewhere I have a picture of me with this fountain. Does this ring a bell mom? The more and more we walked through I realized that many of my memories of the "old" Oakland zoo before renovation are actually memories of Children's Fairyland. Especially the card maze and the above pictured fountain (but I think I had the impression that this fountain was at the Honolulu Zoo, who knows...).

Here's a photo of Justin and Connor checking out the Llama: At this point, Connor has been to the zoo several times, so he thinks nothing of these strange looking creatures :)

Gianna was so happy that this cow let her get close:
What a small cow.

And then Gianna was even more excited when her friend Sophia arrived:I promise Sophia survived this hug.

Here the girls are, playing in a little house together:
Gianna's favorite parts were the merry-go round:

And the tunnels:

What a fun day!

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