Monday, December 3, 2007

North Dakota Heritage Center and State Capital.

On friday we went to the State Capitol and the heritage center, it was a great way to spend an afternoon and Gianna seemed to love it!

The North Dakota state capitol is called something like "The Tower of The Plaines", I think this picture shows why. Here she is with a Bison, I don't know if it's the state animal , but they sure are proud of their bison. She even got a stuffed one to bring home!

Here's Gianna with a Bald Eagle, they had so many birds (and eggs!) Gianna was capitivated by them.
Here's Justin pretending to drive an old tractor (I think this was his favorite part).
Here Gianna is riding a wooden horse alongside mommy and then daddy. She thought this was fun and kept calling it a doggie.
Here we are with a Wooly Mamoth skeleton, you can see how huge it is! Gianna was amazed and couldn't take her eyes off of it....until she saw the fake Bison standing behind us (I know, it's a terrible picture), she loves anything that even resembles an animal or has fur.
She looks so cute in this teepee. What a fun place for us to visit!

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